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Health Preservation (Hifzaan-e-Sehat)

Unani system of medicine recognizes the influences of surroundings and ecological conditions on the state of health of human beings. There are seven factors called Umoor-e- Tabiyah which are responsible for the existence of the human body and they are considered responsible for human life, these Umoor-e- Tabiyah (factors) make a human body and a loss of anyone will result in death. Equilibrium in these Umoor e Tabiyah (principles) is essential for healthy human body and a loss of anyone will result in death. (Hippocrates).

In Unani system of medicine great reliance is placed on Tahahffuz (prevention) from diseases and Baqa-e-Sehat (preservation of health) has been defined under Asbaab-e-sitta zarooria (six essential pre-requisites). These six factors essentially influence each and every individual and all mental and physical diseases are due to their imbalance. To live a good healthy long life, it is necessary to maintain the equilibrium between these factors. A balanced relationship between these factors keeps the Humors and Temperament on the right track.

Fresh and clean air is essential for a good health. Therefore it is essential to keep surrounding environment clean. Air is the source of life and also provides the source of activation of energies to form body fluids and maintain life” Ibn-e- Sina.
The air we breathe also play an important role in maintaining the body homeostasis. We are aware that polluted air is one of the important factors for various respiratory diseases like Bronchial Asthma, Chronic bronchitis etc.

It is important to maintain quality and quantity of food and drink. A balanced diet and drinks according to temperament is essential for health. The quality and quantity of humors produced depend on the food taken by an individual. A major percentage of diseases occur due to mismanagement and imbalanced diet intake.

It should be balanced. Regular body movement is important for utilization of stored energy and rest is important for regaining the energy lost.

Excessive mental work and exertion or inaction of mental powers both are injurious to health. Therefore Unani physicians recommend a balance between mental movement and repose through rest or.

a balance between sleep and staying awake is must to maintain health. Excess as well as lack of sleep leads to illness. Sleep rejuvenates the body physically and mentally. Wakefulness allows a person to perform activities.

Retention of healthy nutrients in the body and excretion and evacuation of waste product is essential for the maintenance of good health. If body is not able to retain nutritive ingredients as in mal absorption it results in various illnesses. Similarly, evacuation and cleansing of morbid and putrid humors are also important factors in maintenance of health. Unani Physicians gives more stress on Istafragh-e- madda (evacuation of morbid humors) when treating a disease.

  • Ghiza (Diet), should be adequate in terms of quantity and quality and regularity of timing should be maintained
  • Atmospheric Air should be clean
  • Negative emotions should be avoided (Awaariz e Nafsania))
  • Excretion of the Fuzlat (waste products)