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The Unani system of Medicine is a science, which discusses the health and diseased condition of the human body in all preventive, promotive and curative aspects. The basic concepts of this system were presented by Hippocrates, in 460 BC. It is based on these main concepts that Homeostasis of the Human body maintained by-

1. Akhlaat (Humours) & body fluids.
2. Proportionate equilibrium of three matter in the body
3. Umoor-e- tabaiya (Natural factors) and six essential causes of health& diseases.

These are governed by Tabiyat (physis). The Tabiyat (physis) not only maintains the Mizaj of the body but also combats the disease and brings back the body to its natural state. This theory spread in the entire world by a Roman Physician Galen (Jaalinoos) in 201AD.and an Arabic Physician Avicenna (Ibn-e-Sina) 10th century pick-up the Unani medicine and provided much scientific basis. It is being practiced in India since the 13th century.

The fundamentals of Unani medicine are.
1. Umoor-e-Tabiyyah (Basic Elements of Life)- These are Arkaan (elements), Mizaaj (temperament), Akhlaat (humors), Aaza (organ), Arwaah (Pneuma), Quwa (Faculties of Power) and Af’al (actions). The Human body stand by these factors, alteration in these may alter the functioning of the body.
2. Trimatter theory. 1-solid. 2-Liquid and 3-gaseous. The entire Universe made up by these three matters, so Human body also formed in that way.
3. Asbaabe Sitta Zarooriya (six essential factors).

These six essential causes are responsible for the health as well as disease of the body.
1. Hawa (Air)
2. Maakool wa mashroob (Food & drink)
3. Harkat wa Sokoon-e-Badani (physical movement & repose),
4. Harkat wa Sokoon-e-Nafsani (mental movement & repose),
5. Naum wa Yaqza (sleeping habits),
6. Ihtebas wa Istifragh (retention & evacuation)

Unani medicine describes the concept of Tabiyat (Medicatrix naturae) which is responsible for all physiological functioning of the body in healthy conditions, prevent the body from diseases and cure diseases by eradicating the causing substances. If tabiyat is strong then a man is not suffered from a disease easily, but if it weakens a man can fall in the disease easily.

Unani Medicine is based on the Greece philosophy according to which, the human body is made up of the four categories of elements i.e. Arz (Earth), Ma` (Water), Hawa (Air), and Naar (Fire) which have a particular Temperaments (Kaifiyat) i.e. Cold and Hot as active qualities and Wet and Dry as passive qualities. After mixing and interaction of four categories of elements a new compound having a new composition of the above said four qualities come in existence. This new quality (Kaifiyat) is known as Temperament. Each and every material related to human health and disease, has been classified accordingly

The theory of Akhlaat (Humoral theory) is the other distinguished feature of Unani medicine conceived by Hippocrates (460BC). According to this theory, the human body consists of three types of materials: Solids which are named as organs (A’zaa), Liquids which are named Humours (Akhlaat) and gaseous matter named Arwaah (pneuma). Akhlaat is divided into four groups namely Dam (Blood), Balgham (Phlegm), Safra (Yellow Bile) and Sauda (Black Bile). These humours are responsible for nourishment and overall body activities for which optimum qualitative and quantitative balance is necessary. Therefore Hippocrates defined health and disease as: Optimum balance in quality and quantity of humors is health and disease is nothing but derangement of these humors either in quality or in quantity or both. The humors also assigned a particular temperament as dam is hot and wet, balgham is cold and wet, safra is hot and dry and sauda is cold and dry.

Six essential factors have been described in Unani Medicine as Asbaab-e- Sitta Zarooriya, which play key role in maintenance and promotion of health, and if these factors are followed as per instructions health is maintained otherwise health problems may appear. These six essential factors are as follows:
1. Hawa (Air)
2. Maakool o Mashrub (Food and Drink)
3. Naum o Yaqza (Sleep and Wakefulness)
4. Istefraaagh wa Ehtabas (Evacuation and Retention)
5. Harkat wa sukoon e Badani (Physical activity and repose)
6. Harkat wa Sukoon e Nafsani (Mental activity and Repose)

As for as treatment is concerned, these are divided into four classes:
1. Ilaj bil Ghiza (Diet therapy)
2. Ilaj bil Tadbeer (Regimental Therapy)
3. Ilaj bil dawa (Pharmacotherapy)
4. Ilaj bil Yad (Surgery)
Although it is recommended to treat diseases first with the help of Diet and Regimental therapies and if not responding, it may be treated by next line. But it is experienced that more than one therapy may be applied simultaneously depending on the nature and severity of the disease.

Sanguine Temperament – Belongs to Air element, a fair with muddy complexion, full muscular development, large full veins and a large pulse typifies it. These are confident, positive people who are rarely anxious. They are very prone to involve themselves with physical excesses and as a result they often suffer from injuries and their sequels. This type has also been called the 'Muscular' temperament

Belongs to Water element and displays a fair complexion, light hair, general softness and laxity of tissues and a pulse that is soft and wide. Because of the excessive metabolic activity of the immune system, heat tends to be drawn inwards and the exterior is cold; hence people of this type tend to feel the cold acutely. The Phlegmatic type is slow and sluggish, apathetic and not readily excited, and easily becomes flabby and overweight. This type has also been called the 'Lymphatic' temperament

Belongs to the Fire element and is characterized by a slim build and by much nervous activity. These are passionate people, quick to become excited or angry and just as quick to forget their excitement. They live on their nerves and because of this, they are susceptible to the brain and nervous disorders. Their pulse tends to be sharp and quick. The skin in this type appears yellowish, and this temperament occurs often in those with brown hair. This type has also been referred to as the 'Nervous' temperament.

Belongs to the Earth element and usually has a darkish complexion and appears emaciated. Their tissues are hard and dry and their pulse is narrow and thready. This temperament is prone to frequent spells of pessimism, a gloomy state of mind with much depression

Su- e- Mizaj is a deviation from the normal physiological response, metabolic balance or temperament of an organ, body part or of the body as a whole, due to an adverse effect from an abnormally Warm, Dry, Moist or Cold quality, which has disrupted the functions of the Humors and produced an abnormal response of Thymos. There are four Su e Mizaj:
1. Su- e- Mizaj haar
2. Su- e- Mizaj baarid
3. Su- e- Mizaj ratab
4. Su- e- Mizaj Yaabis

In Ilaj Bil Dawa (Pharmacotherapy), drugs are mainly used to cure diseases. Unani Materia Medica include more than 2700 single or natural drugs most of which are plants in origin in the form of seeds, roots, flowers, fruits, leaves, barks, galls, latex, exudates and some times plant as a whole. The second group consists of drugs of the animal kingdom like hoofs and nails, hairs, flesh, certain organs, fats, milk, etc. and third group is mineral in nature consisting of ores, metals and precious stones and these are named as Nabaati (plant origin), Haiwaani (animal origin) and Ma’ dini Advia (mineral origin drugs) respectively.

Diagnosis in Unani system of medicine is done through three methods.
1. Imtehan- bil- Nazar (Inspections)
2. Imtehan- bil- Lams (Palpations)
3. Imtehan- bil-Qara (Percussions)

Imtehan- bil- Nazar (Inspections)-In this’ patients are recognized by visual method on their features from head to toe.
Imtehan- bil- Lams (Palpations)-This method is Used to feel what type of Malmas (feelings on touch by the hand) Specially Unani Tabeeb used the method to palapate the pulse. This was the main technique to diagnose the diseases.
Imtehan- bil-Qara (Percussions)-This is also used in Unani medicine.