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Principles of Unani

The Unani system recognises that disease is an unnatural process and symptoms of a disease are body's reaction to noxious factors from its surroundings. The chief function of the physician is to aid the natural force of the body, which is termed as Tabi’at (Physis). Unani medicine is based on four Humor theories, which are Dam (Blood), Balgham (Phlegm), Safra (Yellow bile) and Sauda (black bile). The body has the power of self-control to maintain an optimum balance of these humors, which is called as Quwwat-e-Mudabbirah-e-Badan (Medicatrix Naturae).

The essential constituents and the working principles of the body, according to Unani system of medicine, can be classified into seven main groups:

  1. Arkaan (Elements)

  2. Mizaj (Temperament)

  3. Akhlaat (Humors)

  4. A’za (Organs)

  5. Arwaah. (Pneuma)

  6. Quwa (Faculties of Power)

  7. Afa’al (Actions)

Unani system of medicine believes that Arkaan (elements), which are broadly divided in four categories i.e. Earth (Arz), Water (Maa’), Air (Hawa), and Fire (Naar), are bricks of human structure and have their own temperament. After mixing and interaction of these principle elements in a particular ratio, a new structure comes into existence having its own temperament (Mizaj).

Mizaj (Temperament) of each and every individual varies widely as per composition as well as other surrounding factors and circumstances. Normal temperament is defined as a condition in which a person survives comfortably with all symptoms of healthy life.

Akhlaat (Humors) are liquid components of body which run through different channels inside the body and provide nutrition to the whole tissues of the body and maintain normal health. These humors have been named, according to their colour as Dam (Blood), Balgham (Phlegm), Safra (Yellow bile) and Sauda (black bile), which are red, white, yellow and black in colour respectively. Equilibrium of these humors is mainly responsible for health. Any alteration/deviation in quality or quantity from optimum position may lead to disease.

A’zaa (Organs) are solid components of the body which are composed of different types of tissues. Organs collectively form a system. Through these organized systems, body performs its routine activity. Certain organs are specified as vital organs (A,zaa-e- Raeesah) of the body which include Heart, Brain, Liver, Testes/ Ovaries and these are responsible for vital functioning of the body and play major role in continuity and propagation of life.

Arwah (Pneuma) are the gaseous components of the body mainly consisting of Naseem (Oxygen), which runs in the body through blood in dissolved form. It is the basic source of life, which provides energy for all body activities.

Quwa (Faculties of Power) are nothing but ability to perform. All organs have been assigned a particular type of action on the basis of their nature and compositions. The main four faculties of power are Quwwat-e-Haiwaniyah, Quwwat-e-Nafsaaniyah, Quwwat-e-Tab’iyah and Quwwat-e-Tanaasuliyah and the four vitals organs i.e. Heart, Brain, Liver, Testes/ Ovaries are responsible for these powers respectively.

Afa’al (Functions) are bodily activities essential for fulfilling the objectives of the body. [The organs and also testimony perform these to the presence of power in them.]