Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library
An initiative of CSIR and Ministry of AYUSH
Representative Database of
Ayurvedic, Unani, Siddha, Sowa rigpa Formulations and Yoga Practices More...
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It is a Sanskrit word derived from two roots: Ayuh and Veda. Ayurveda ‘the Science of Life’ is a holistic system of medicine from India, which evolved from Brahma sages of Ancient India.


The word 'Unani' is derived from a Greek word 'Ionian'. The Unani system of medicine is one of the oldest and most acceptable systems of medicine practiced in India and in many parts of the world.


It is system of medicine mainly practised in the Southern part of India is one of the earliest traditional medicine systems in the world. The roots of this system are intertwined with the culture of ancient Tamil civilization.

Sowa Rigpa

It is one of the oldest, well documented and currently practised medical traditions of the world. It is popularly known as Amchi medicine in most part of Indian Himalayas.


Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle Science which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science for healthy living.

Quote of the Day

“भोजनान्ते पिबेत्तक्रं वासरान्ते पिबेत्पयः । निशान्ते च पिबेद्वारि त्रिभिर्रोगो न जायते ॥” —
अष्टांग ह्रदय संहिता सुत्र २।११

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