Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library
An initiative of CSIR and Ministry of AYUSH

About the Database

A representative database of TKDL, contains about 1250 formulations selected from various classical texts of Indian Systems of Medicine such as Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Sowa-Rigpa.

The selected formulations make use of ingredients of plant, animal or mineral origin to treat a variety of disease conditions, as mentioned in classical texts of these systems of medicine.

This is a searchable database which can be started by clicking on the Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha or Sowa-Rigpa icons on the homepage. Two types of searches are available:

(i) Simple Search

(ii) Advance Search

Simple Search: Different search terms including Keywords, Diseases and IPC Codes can be used with the operators 'AND', 'OR' or 'NOT'. The corresponding menu lists all the search terms available in this database and can be used to select the appropriate search term.

  • Terms to be searched may be entered or selected from corresponding help menus.

  • Single or multiple search terms may be entered.

  • Multiple search terms may be searched using operator OR.

  • To search using local names with Keyword Help, tick the check box labeled 'with local name'.

Advance Search: This option allows search using several search terms such as Keywords, Disease, IPC Code, Bibliography and Title, each individually specified. All these terms can be selected from appropriate help menus.

  • Terms to be searched may be entered into text boxes provided or selected from the corresponding help menus.

  • Single term can be searched.

  • Text box on the top should not be left empty.

  • For help in appropriate keyword search, the Keyword Help may be used. It provides a complete list of the keywords used in the representative database including ingredients of plant, animal or mineral origin. Local names and Sanskrit, Tamil or Urdu terms as they appear (in diacritical) may be used directly.

  • Disease Help provides a list of all the diseases that can be cured by the formulations in the database. Since the traditional medicine systems are ancient some of the diseases as expressed in the texts may not be the same as the modern terminology. Some diseases may be expressed in the form of symptoms. The Disease Help will facilitate locating suitable terms. The IPC help may be used where necessary. The IPC Code Help provides a description for each code.

  • Each formulation is given a title. This may also be used as the search term. Use the Title Help to select the title.

  • Use Bibliography Help to select search words since they are depicted in diacriticals.

  • The 'with local name' box when checked will give results along with the local names.

  • To search using local names with Keyword Help, tick the check box labeled 'with local name'.

  • Select OR to obtain results containing any of the search terms. For e.g. curcuma OR cough will give all the formulations containing either curcuma or cough.

  • Use the drop down menu of 'Knowledge known since' to see the formulations on the basis of the time period selected. For instance, 200 years will display all instances of formulations, which fulfill the search criteria and are 200 years old.

  • Use the drop down menu of 'Per Page' to see 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 or 500 results at a time.

  • By selecting 'View' 'With summary' or 'Without summary', the results will be displayed accordingly.

  • Tick the boxes IPC Code, Title, Bibliography, Disease, or Keyword to include any or all in the summary.

Both searches are available from the Homepage. For assistance in searching, 'Tips for Searching' are also accessible on the search page.

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