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Principles of Yoga

Sankhya-yoga: Sankhya system is believed to be one of the oldest philosophical systems of India. Seer Patanjali and other authors of yoga texts followed the fundamental principles as their own. That’s why both Sankhya and yoga are known as sister systems in the literary tradition. Nature is in the center of this Sankhya and so in the yogic philosophy. It believes that whole existence originated from primal nature (prakriti).

  • Triguna
  • Panchatanmatras
  • Panchamahabhuta

    Triguna: Sattva Rajas and Tamas these key attributes are accepted as basic properties of nature in yogic cosmology (cosmogony). All that exists in nature is a product of collation of trigunas. Humans and their behavior are directly related to trigunas and yogis believe that one can use them to bring any desired change in anything.

    Panchatanmatras: These are genetic essence of gross five elements. They create structural morphology of annamaya kosha. Shabda, Sparsh, Rupa, Rasa, and Gandha are also characteristics of essences that are instruments of knowledge.

    Panchamahabhutas: All major traditions of the Indian knowledge system accept the concept of mahabhutas as elements of creation. Those five elements also play a critical role in the day-to-day life of people. Yoga system finds them very useful for yoga practices as the human body is composed of these five elements.