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Anatomy of Yoga

Human body and mind are related to their source that is nature. Changes of nature are reflected in the human mind in form of pleasures and pains. Yoga helps people to acquire the freedom from all the sorrows by taking the human consciousness away from phenomena of natural changes. This is the basic method of yogic philosophy.

In the aphorism (especially in the 3rd chapter) of Patanjali some major parts of body are mentioned but tradition of hathayoga did an extra ordinary effort and explored the human anatomy to very advanced level. Most part of the yogic anatomy has its roots in the upnishadic literature but hathayogic seers elaborated it through their research. Some major parts of yogic anatomy are explained here. Hence the yogic therapy mainly deals in psycho-physical means of treatment that’s why authors of the hathayogic texts preferred to provide a detailed overview on psycho-physical parts of human body.

  • Shatachakra: It is the energy centre aligned with sushumna Nadi (Spinal Cord). Scriptures says that awakening of these energy centers during Yoga Practice human being attain deep level of consciousness. Each chakra have own letter, colour, element, God and Prana.
  • Name of Chakra Location

    Muladhara Base of Spine
    Svadhishthan Reproductive Organ
    Manipura Navel
    Anahat Heart
    Vishuddha Throat
    Ajna Mid Eyebrows
    Sahasrara Top of the Head
  • Kundalini: It is the creative power and form of Shakti according to Shiv Samhita. The practitioner awakens through Muladhar along with the journey of Hatha Yoga with technique of Pranayama, Mudra and Bandh.
  • Prana: Prana has described in two part Maha Prana (Primary or Major) and Laghu Prana (Secondary or Sub Prana).
1. Prana

 Major Prana

1. Naga

Sub Prana

2. Udana 2. Kurma
3. Saman 3. Krikala
4. Apana 4. Devdatta
5. Vyan 5. Dhananjay

  • Panchakoshas: Human existence is divided into five layer or sheath called Panchakosha. Taittaereya Upanishad says to refine each and every kosha to attain self realization.
    1. Physical sheath
    2. Vital sheath
    3. Mental Sheath
    4. Wisdom Sheath
    5. Bliss Sheath
  • Nadi: These are pranic channels inside the body. These alimentary canals or nerves become passage for prana. Most of the hathayogic texts give the total number of nadis is 72000. Among them 14 nadis are the principle ones. i.e. Ida, Pingala, Sushumna, Saraswati, Kuhu, Varuni, Yashasvini, Pusha, Payasvini, Shankhini, Gandhari, Hastjihava, Vishvodara and Alambusha.