Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library
An initiative of CSIR and Ministry of AYUSH

Yoga at a Glance

Yoga is an important discipline among the several traditions of Indian shastric systems. This cultural heritage and way of life for Indian people traces almost six thousand years of known history. Yoga is a holistic system with coordination of philosophical, spiritual and physical thoughts that can enable the practitioner to resolve sufferings. Yogic lifestyle leads from individuality to universality and promotes personality refinement and cultural value. Etymology of the term “Yoga”: The term yoga has been derived from the verb root yuj in Sanskrit. This verb has three meanings:

  • √yuj samadhau- integration/ contemplation
  • √yuj samyamane – to control
  • √yujir yoge - joining

Classical literature on yoga seems to use the word in all senses. As far, the meaning is concerned; all the literatures and schools of yoga have unanimously accepted the meanings.