Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Biblioteca Digital de Conocimientos Tradicionales
An initiative of CSIR and Ministry of AYUSH

Major Milestones

1. October,1999;December 1999
Approach paper on setting up of TKDL; Submission of approach paper to Standing Committee on Information Technology (SCIT), World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).
21. July 2009
TKDL Access Agreement with USPTO.
2. January, 2000
Setting up of the interdisciplinary (inter-ministerial Task Force on TKDL.
22. July 2009
The first prior art evidence based on TKDL citations under Third Party observations against 35 patent applications submitted to EPO leading to development of a formalised structure for filing Third Party Objections (TPOs)/oppositions at various international patent offices.
3. May, 2000
Submission of TKDL Task Force Report to Department of Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy; and presenting TKDL Concept & Vision at International forum.
23. October, 2009
TKDL Access Agreement with German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA).
4. January 2001
Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs (CCEA's) approval for the TKDL Project.
24. February, 2010
TKDL Access Agreement with United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office.
TKDL Access Agreement with Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)
5. June, 2001
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Department of ISM&H now AYUSH) and National Institute of Science Communication (now CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources).
25. January, 2011
TKDL Access Agreement with Intellectual Property Australia (IP Australia). .
6. July, 2001
Development of TKDL software, specifications and design.
26. March 22-24, 2011
International Conference on 'Utilization of the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) as a Model for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge.
7. October, 2001 to March, 2002
Establishing TKDL team of Project Assistants (IT), Ayurveda, Patent Examiners, etc.
27. April, 2011
TKDL Access Agreement with Japan Patent Office (JPO).
8. February, 2001
Presentation on Traditional Knowledge Resource Classification (TKRC) at International Patent Classification (IPC) Union for getting established WIPO-TK Task Force consisting of USPTO, EPO, JPO, China and India.
28. July, 2012
First Amending Agreement to TKDL Access Agreement with European Patent Office (EPO).
9. February, 2002
WIPO-TK Task Force recommended addition of a new subclass under A 61; Committee of Experts recommended: (i) inclusion of approx. 200 subgroups on TK against earlier few sub-groups on medicinal plants, (ii) linking of TKRC to IPC and (iii) continuation of work on biodiversity, TK and TCE.
29. August, 2012
First Amending Agreement to TKDL Access Agreement with Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO).
10. November - December, 2002; July, 2003
Internationally recognized specifications and standards for setting up of TK databases and registries based on TKDL specifications, their drafting presentation and adoption of recommendations at the 5th Session of IGC.
30. January, 2014
First Amending Agreement to TKDL Access Agreement with United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (IPO).
11. August, 2002
Constitution of Access Policy Issue Committee (APIC).
31. May, 2014
TKDL Access Agreement with Chile Patent Office (INAPI).
12. March, 2003
First batch of data abstraction work on 36,000 Ayurveda formulations for creating TKDL in five languages, i.e. English, German, Spanish, French and Japanese.
32. June, 2014
First Amending Agreement to TKDL Access Agreement with Japan Patent Office (JPO).
13. October, 2003
Release of demo TKDL CD containing a sample of 500 formulations.
33. October 2015
TKDL Access Agreement with Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO)
14. June 2004
Initiation of the TKDL Unani project.
34. June, 2017
TKDL Access Agreement with Rospatent (Russia).
15. August 2004
Initiation of TKDL Ayurveda Phase II.
35. June, 2017
TKDL Access Agreement with INDECOPI (Peru).
16. October, 2004
Concordance between IPC and TKRC and approval on linking of TKRC with IPC.
36. October 2017
First Amending Agreement to TKDL Access Agreement with Chile Patent Office (INAPI).
17. August, 2005
Initiation of project on TKDL Siddha.
Creating of TKRC containing approx. 25,000 subgroups.
37. September 2018
Initiation of Project on Ayurveda from Kerala manuscripts.
18. June 2006
Approval on Access to TKDL database to international patent offices by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
38. October 2018
Initiation of Project on Sowa Rigpa.
19. January 2008
Initiation of activities on creation of TKDL Yoga.
39. April 2019
TKDL Access Agreement with Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.
20. February 2009
TKDL Access Agreement with European Patent Office (EPO).

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