Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library
An initiative of CSIR and Ministry of AYUSH

Method of Treatment

The methods of treatments have four major sections including diet, behaviour, medicine and accessory/external therapies. Right administration of these four sections is very important for treating a patient in an appropriate manner. Minor ailments can be treated merely with proper regulation of diet and behaviour; a patient with medium disease condition can be treated with medicines such as decoction, powder, pills, purges, emesis, etc.; while patients in advanced stages of disease can be cured by application of accessory/ external therapies like moxa and cauterisation, blood-letting, fomentation, massage, surgery, etc. Buddhist Tantric rituals play a very important role in the treatment of disease. It is a known fact that role of a physician is very important in treatment of a patient; therefore, special emphasis is given on this aspect in this system of medicine.